Coming Eventually

About Me

I am an American-born Chinese of Taiwanese heritage living in the US (F, 40+, married).I started reading Chinese Danmei novels during the pandemic, and began fan-translating a couple years ago. Occasionally, I dabble in amateur art and photography.Other hobbies include reading, bird-watching, and brewing tea, of which I especially enjoy Bi Luo Chun (碧螺春) and lightly oxidized/green oolongs like Four Seasons Spring (四季春) and Shan Lin Xi High Mountain Oolong tea (杉林溪高山茶).

English Novels Reading List

I will read all kinds of novels, but my reading preferences for novels published in English are fantasy or literary, especially with LGBTQ themes and characters.I am only including books I read in 2024 onwards on this page.Ratings:
R = Recommended
HR = Highly recommended
❤️ = Enjoyed reading
⭐ = Favorites

Novels Read (or DNF) in 2024

The Vanished BirdsSimon JimenezDone❤️R. WW, MM. Scifi, found family. See my comments on this novel.
YellowfaceR.F. KuangDoneSatire, Dark Humor, Author Drama. See my comments on this novel.
The Spear Cuts Through WaterSimon JimenezDone⭐❤️ HR. MM Fantasy. Easily one of my favorite reads this year. The writing is beautiful and tells a mythic adventure story through various storytelling structures which constantly adds new meaning and context to aspects of the story.
The Emperor and the Endless PalaceJustinian HuangDoneMM Fantasy. The book is posed as a Romantasy, but has no romance, although it has tons of smut scenes. The prose was good at times, but there was a lack of cohesion and focus between the three timelines.
In the Lives of PuppetsT. J. KluneDone❤️ R. Scifi, not exactly MM, as one of the characters is an android. I enjoyed this one more than House on the Cerulean Sea, as it takes a more mature tone in exploring what it means to be human while still maintaining heartwarming family vibes. The plot seemed less fleshed out near the end of the book, however the short story with Douglas was easily one of the strongest parts of the book.
The Jasad HeirSarah HashemDoneR. Egyptian-inspired fantasy. The prose was very good and the world building was rich and unique. Sylvia's constantly monologuing was very distracting, especially during action scenes. Some parts felt like it dragged the pacing down.
The Garden of Evening MistsTan Twan EngOngoing 
A Strange and Stubborn EnduranceFoz MeadowsDNFMM Fantasy. Viewpoints are inconsistent between the two leads, for no real purpose (one of them is 1st POV, the other is 3rd limited POV). Prose and story-telling style felt mediocre. Unexpected graphic SA against one of the leads in Chapter 2.
StonerJohn WilliamsDoneR. Pyschological campus fiction. Very well-written book, but uncomfortable to read. I do admire how Williams portrayed Stoner as a man who appears to have failed in every aspect of his life, yet never lost what was true to himself.
The Captive Prince TrilogyC.S. PacatDone⭐❤️ HR. MM Fantasy. I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. Great character exploration and relationship development between Damon and Laurent. Really love the first two books. Pacing for the 3rd book felt a little rushed, otherwise it would be perfect.
The Shattered GatesGinn HaleDoneMM Fantasy. Looks interesting so far, but very short and part of a longer series. First book ends in a cliff-hanger.

Chinese Danmei Reading List

I prefer to read ancient historical (古耽), usually with court politics, although other genres are fine too. I only have a few hours before bedtime to read, and I read slowly, so it takes me a while to finish reading something.Preferences and favorite tropes:
- Smart, witty MC/shou
- Loyal, devoted, doting "dog" ML/gong (can be a wolf in bed)
- If it involves royalty or teacher/student, I prefer the shou to the be the one with the higher status.
- I have no preference for age or age gap as long as there is no coercion of leads who clearly lack the maturity or capability to make an informed choice.

This is a list in progress of almost everything I have read (or dropped) except for the most popular novels by MXTX and Meatbun. All Chinese source links are legitimate publishers or reading platforms. Pirate sites will not be linked. If there is an English publication, a link to the publisher's page will be added, if applicable. Note: Status here refers to my reading status, not whether or not a novel is still serializing or the translation ongoing.Ratings:
R = Recommended
HR = Highly recommended
❤️ = Enjoyed reading
⭐ = Favorites

A Certain Someone (某某 )Mu Su Li (木苏里)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Additional Inheritance (附加遗产)Shui Qian Cheng (水千丞)tomato | NUOngoing 
After the Disabled God of War Became my Concubine (残疾战神嫁我为妾后)Liu Gou Hua (刘狗花)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R Alternate world historical, transmigration. Has all my favorite tropes, court scheming that isn't very difficult to follow, and I loved the ending.
Alpha Predator (顶级掠食者)Shui Qian Cheng (水千丞)iqiyi | SQC's weibo | NUDoneR
An Exile Amid Humanity (人间流放者)Xing He Dan Ta (星河蛋挞)readmoo | NUDone 
Antidote (解药)Wu Zhe (巫哲)jjwxc | NUDNF 
Back to the Beginning of Ming to Do Charity (回到明初搞慈善)Shu Qi (蜀七)jjwxc | NUDoneR
Ballad of Sword and Wine (将进酒)Tang Jiuqing (唐酒卿)jjwxc | Eng pubDone⭐❤️HR One of my all-time favorites.
Bat (蝙蝠)Feng Nong (風弄)myrics | Eng pubDone 
Beicheng Tianjie (北城天街)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxcDone❤️R
Breaking Through the Clouds (破云)Huai Shang (淮上)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Copper Coins (铜钱龛世)Mu Su Li (木苏里)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Cry of the Midnight Jackdaw (乌夜啼)霜见廿四chang pei | NUDoneR
Da Sheding Shi (大設定師)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | kadokadoOngoing 
Dinghai Fusheng Records (定海浮生录)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Don't Come Over (别过来)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxcDone 
Drowning Sorrows in Raging FirePriestjjwxc | Eng pubOngoing 
Faraway Wanderers (天涯客)Priestjjwxc (locked) | NUDone 
Golden Stage (黄金台)Cang Wu Bin Bai (苍梧宾白)jjwxc | Eng pubDone 
Green Plum Island (青梅屿)Hui Nan Que (回南雀)chang pei | NUDone❤️R
I Am Your Father (我是你爹)Li Gou Xie (李狗血)chang pei | NUDoneR
I Got Marked By My Shadow Guard After Pretending to be an Alpha (装A后被影卫标记了)Chi Ling (池翎)jjwxc | NUDone 
Imperial Uncle (皇叔)Da Feng Gua Guo (大风刮过)jjwxc | Eng pubDone 
In the Dark (在黑暗中)Jin Shi Si Cai (金十四钗)Eng pubDone 
I'm Pregnant with the Child of the Traitor General in My Past Life (朕怀了前世叛将的崽)止宁jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Jia Mo (嫁魔)Yang Su (杨溯)chang pei | NUOngoing 
Jiangdong Hehuoren (江東合夥人)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)KadokadoOngoing 
No. 7 Jiangwan Rd Male Dorm (江灣路七號男子宿舍)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)KadokadoOngoing 
Jinyiwei (锦衣卫)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUOngoing 
Joyful Reunion (相见欢)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone⭐❤️HR Alternative world historical, adventure, politics, war. One of my all-time favorites. See my review on NU.
Jun You Ji Fou (君有疾否)Ru Shi Wo Wen (如似我闻)jjwxc | NUOngoing 
Let Go of that Shou (放开那个受)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc (locked) | NUDone 
Little Antelope and the Night Wolf are Rumored to Pass By Shiwen Lake (小羚羊与夜太狼外传逝汶湖畔)Yi Xiu Luo (易修罗)jjwxc | readmoo | NUDone 
Living to Suffer (活受罪)TangstoryMugeng Studio | NUDNF 
Lord Seventh (七爷)Priestjjwxc | NUDone 
Mist (薄雾[无限])Wei Feng Ji Xu (微风几许)jjwxc | NUDone❤️HR Sci-fi, Time travel.
Nan Chan (南禅)Tang Jiuqing (唐酒卿)jjwxc | Eng pubDone❤️HR Historical fantasy.
Nirvana Rebirth (星盘重启)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDoneR
Nothing to Lose (破罐子破摔)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc (locked) | NUOngoing 
Outside the Law (法外之徒)Ka Bi Qiu (卡比丘)chang pei | NUDone 
Pastel Colours (淡彩)Shi Jiu Yao (十九瑶)chang pei | NUDone 
Peach (含桃)Lu Ye Qian He (绿野千鹤)jjwxc | NUDNFI actually was enjoying this a lot at first. The MC was so cheeky and amusing, and the world building drew me in. I dropped around Ch. 101-103 because the prank played on a Xiongnu Prince seemed tasteless and insensitive rather than funny, as the novel was trying to make it seem.
Peerless (无双)Meng Xi Shi (梦溪石)jjwxc | Eng pubDNF 
Post-Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Excorcist (国家一级注册驱魔师上岗培训通知)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone❤️HR
R:DSAT (重生之孽奴虐暴君)Mei Guo (梅果)iqiyi | NUDone❤️HR
Restricted Area (禁区)Kong Ju (空菊)chang pei | NU  
Seizing Dreams (夺梦)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone❤️HR Fantasy, pyschological, adventure.
Silent Reading (默读)Priestjjwxc | NUDone❤️HR
Shan You Mu XiFeitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone⭐❤️HR Alternative world historical, adventure, politics, war. One of my all-time favorites. See my review on NU.
Something's Not Right (朕总是觉得哪里不对)Cyan Wings (青色羽翼)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds (春树暮云)Wei Liang (未良)jjwxc | NUDone 
Sunset Boulevard (日落大道)Ka Bi Qiu (卡比丘)chang pei | NUDone 
The Antelope and the Night Wolf (小羚羊与夜太狼)Yi Xiu Luo (易修罗)jjwxc (locked) | readmoo | NUDone❤️R
The Assassin and the Emperor (刺客与皇帝)JijutaAO3 | NUDone 
The Cruel Tyrant (暴君)容恒jjwxc | NUDone 
The Defectives (残次品)Priestjjwxc | Eng pubDone⭐❤️HR One of my favorites.
The Hegemon of Western Chu (西楚霸王)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc (locked) | NUDone 
The Legendary Master’s Wife (传说之主的夫人)Yin Ya (尹琊)LC Read | Eng pubDone 
The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement (重生之将军总把自己当替身)Yi Yi Yi Yi (伊依以翼)Shudan(书耽) | NUDone❤️R
There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart (剑客心里,没有爱情)一只大雁jjwxc | NUDNF 
The Star Knight (星辰騎士)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUOngoing 
The Submissive Emperor (君为下)Lu Ye Qian He (绿野千鹤)jjwxc | NUDone 
The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post (神木挠不尽)Lu Ye Qian He (绿野千鹤)jjwxc | NUDNF 
The Wife is First (妻为上)Lu Ye Qian He (绿野千鹤)jjwxc | NUFinished 
Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine (当年万里觅封侯)Man Man He Qi Duo (漫漫何其多)jjwxc | NUFinished 
Thousand Autumns (千秋)Meng Xi Shi (梦溪石)jjwxc | Eng pubDone⭐❤️ HR One of my all-time favorites.
Tianbao Fuyao Lu (天宝伏妖录)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUOngoing 
Treacherous Minister (奸臣)WingyingMyricsOngoing 
To Rule in a Turbulent World (乱世为王)Gu Xue Rou (顧雪柔)jjwxc | Eng pubDone⭐❤️HR One of my all-time favorites.
Twin Jades of Jiangdong (江东双璧)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDoneR Historical. TW: BE, NP. See my review on NU.
Unseen Immortal of Three Hundred Years (不见上仙三百年)Mu Su Li (木苏里)jjwxc | NUDNF 
Wu Chang Jie (无常劫)Shui Qian Cheng (水千丞)iqiyi | NUDNF 
Xiao Jiu (小九)Xu Banxian (许半仙)chang pei | NUDone 
Yingnu (鷹奴)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc | NUDone❤️R
Youngest Son (幺儿)Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)jjwxc (locked)DoneR
Your Ninth Royal Highness, Please Change Your Clothes (九殿下请更衣)Feng Ge Qie Xing (风歌且行)jjwxc | NUDone 
Zhao Qin Mu Chu (朝秦暮楚)中华说书人/一刀绣春chang pei | NUDone 

Fan Translation Projects

SYMX Audio Drama Cover

Author: Feitian Yexiang (非天夜翔)

Status: On-going, solo project

RDSAT novel cover

Author: Mei Guo (梅果)

Status: Dropped, former co-translator